Air Fryer Prosciutto & Arugula Salad

MY FIRST AIR FRYER MOMENT. ~Yes I have an air fryer guys~ Arugula prosciutto, a great pizza combo, but what about a salad combo?! Brought this baby to life with some sweet, smokey, fruity, savory flavors & obvi burrata. You need this in your life, && an air fryer. Crispy prosciutto actually changed me. Cheers to AN AIR FRYER MOMENT 🥂

  • arugula & baby spinach mix

  • 4oz (6-8 slices) prosciutto

  • 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds (buy mine at TJ!)

  • 2 mini @belgioiosocheese burrata balls

  • fresh pepper

**for the dressing I sautéed 1/2 a shallot in EVOO, added juice of 1/2 navel orange & 2 tbsp @pinehurstoliveoil fig balsamic!